the following are knowledges from Internet, if copyright against, please contact me.
autosar: 微控制器抽象层 MCAL
GPT Driver
WDG Driver
MCU Driver
Core test
FlexRay 驱动
CAN 驱动
LIN 驱动
SPI 驱动
AUTOSAR软件体系结构包含了完全独立于硬件的应用层(Application Layer)和与硬件相关的基础软件层(BasicSoftware,BSW),并在两者中间设立了一个运行时环境(Run Time Environment),从而使两者分离,形成了一个分层体系架构。
系统,提供标准化(os, timer, error)规定和库函数
I/O, 对传感器、执行器、ECU的IO进行标准化
比如, os定时服务、错误管理。为应用程序和基础软件模块提供基础服务。
Autosar time sync
11 Time sync
库chrono -要么std::chrono (c++ 11),要么boost::chrono
autoSar: time sync protocol specification
Precision Time Protocol (PTP)
generalized Precision Time Protocol (gPTP)
Time Synchronization over Ethernet, IEEE802.1AS
time master: is an entity which is the master for a certain Time Base and which propagates this Time Base to a set of Time Slaves within a certain segment of a communication network. If a Time Master is also the owner of the Time Base then he is the Global Time master.
time slave: is the recipient for a certain Time Base within a certain
segment of a communication network, being a consumer for this Time Base
time measurement with Switches:
in a time aware Ethernet network, HW types of control unit exists:
Endpoints directly working on a local Ethernet-Controller
Time Gateways, time aware bridges, where the local Ethernet-Controller connects to an external switch device. A Switch device leads to additional delays, which have to be considered for the calculation of the corresponding Time Base
specification of time sync over Ethernet
Global Time Sync over Ethernet(EthTSyn) interface with:
Sync time-base manager(StbM), get and set the current time value
Ethernet Interface(EthIf), receiving and transmitting messages
Basic Software Mode Manager(BswM), coord of network access
Default Error Tracer(DET), report of errors
A time gateway typically consists of one Time Slave and one or more Time
Masters. When mapping time entities to real ECUs, an ECU could be Time Master (or even Global Time Master) for one Time Base and Time Slave for another Time Base.
time sync in automotive Ethernet
The principal methods for time synchronization in the automotive industry are currently based on AUTOSAR 4.2.2, IEEE 802.1AS, and the revised IEEE 802.1AS-ref, which was developed by the Audio/Video Bridging Task Group, which is now known as the TSN (Time Sensitive Networking) Task Group.
The type of network determines the details of the synchronization process. For example, with CAN and Ethernet, the Time Slave corrects the received global time base by comparing the time stamp from the transmitter side with its own receive time stamp. With FlexRay, the synchronization is simpler because FlexRay is a deterministic system with fixed cycle times that acts in a strictly predefined time pattern. The time is thus implicitly provided by the FlexRay clock. While the time stamp is always calculated by software in CAN, Ethernet allows it to be calculated by either software or hardware