mobile vehicle interface


human-machine interface(HMI), in-vehicle device(IVD).

human-vehicle interface(HVI), e.g. voice control, touch screen, face detection, e.t.c, which does well for young and passion generation, who have great voice, sharp fingers, and good-look face, and all these improving user experienced tech are based on similar AI.

what about the elders ? which should be, in the next 10 - 20 years, the most tough family and society issues in China, and as well as for Japan right now.

the basicaly option here is HVI is not enough for the elders groups, or at least is not the only choice for elders, who don’t have great voice, good-look face, or sharp fingers, and even no patient to talk/look/touch with the weak AI system. a very good alternative or additional supportting solution should be mobility vehicle interface(MVI)

mobility vehicle interface

what kind of mobility device

mobility is a general name, for all kinds of mobile devices, especially for Iphone, Android smart phone and personal care robot.

application scenarios

for an elder, who has daily needs for traffic transfer. e.g. go to hospital, to supermarket, to a special restuarant or a park for dinner or sit down with some old friends.

the elders are slow in movement and talk, and the current AI based human-vehicle-interface(HVI) definitely make the elders feel pressure.

a better or alternative solution is let the mobility device to talk to the vehicle, through an interface

mobility vehicle interface

the mobility vehicle interface(MVI) can be based on existing vehicle OS and mobility OS. there are plenty existing in-vehicle OS, e.g. CarPlayer, Baidu OS, GENIV, QNX e.t.c; and on mobility OS side, the most common are iOS and Andriod.

most in-vehicle OS can run the same apps on mobility OS, e.g. google navigation map, instant messages, music, emergency call service e.t.c.

so the first solution is app2app. basically the same app ran in the personal mobility device(PMD) talk to the same app run in vehicle OS.

PMD has more time with the owner, so has more personality than vehicle, especially as vehicle in future is more like a public service, rather than a personal asset.

that’s why mobility vehicle interface(MVI) is a good option, especially for elders, who may not enjoy talk to AI.

beyond the easy to implement at this moment, app2app solution has a few limitations:

  • the security is mainly provided by the app supplier, which is not a unit solution, as different app suppliers have different security mechanism.

  • as apps hosted in this system is growing, the adapters or interfaces to make the bridge grows too, which decrease the user experince and increase the system cost.

so a better solution is a new mobility-vehicle interface protocol, which is the only bridge between personal mobility and vehicles. and no matter what kind of apps and how many apps hosts in both system, won’t be a burden for the sytem anymore.

moblity vehicle interface protocol