ros filesystem tools
first check ROS_PACKAGE_PATH, where defines all ROS packages that are within the directories.
another tool to view ros-launch: roslaunch-logs
write a .launch file
launch files, which uses XML format, usually make a directory named “launch” inside the workspace to organize all launch files, and it provides a convenient way to start up multiple nodes and master, it processs in a depth-first tarversal order. usually launch files can be put a launch
folder under a ros node project.
an sample launch file:
can define either env variables or a command.
node/type There must be a corresponding executable with the same name.
rviz can help to playback sensor rosbag at lab. and also the visualization tool in algorithm/simulation development.
someone(at 2014) said Google’s self-driving simulation has used rviz:
a sample with rviz to visualize rosbag info:
the sensor ros node will collect data in rosbag during physical or vitual test, then playback rosbag to develop or verify the sensing algorithms. or use to build simulation scene.
a few common commands, and also rosbag support interactive C++/Python APIs.
kitti dataset
are we ready for autonoous driving?
– the KITTI vision benchmark suite, which is a famous test dataset in self-driving sensing, prediction also mapping and SLAM algorithm development.
there are a few benchmars includes:
stereo, basically rebuild the 3D object from multi 2D images.
optical flow, used to detect object movement(speed, direction)
- scene flow, include other 3D env info, and objects from optical flow
- depth
- visual odometry
- object detection
- object tracking
- road/lane detection
- semantic evaluation
catkin package
catkin is ros package build/manage tool.
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
catkin_create_pgk demo std_msgs rviz
cd demo
mkdir launch
cat "<launch> <node name="demo" type="rviz" -d="ls `pwd`" /> </launch> " > demo.launch
cd ~/catkin_ws
catkin_make --pkg demo
add catkin_ws to
cat "export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH:/path/to/catkin_ws/" >> ~/.bashrc