construct an object
the compiler will define a default constructor with no parameters, if there is no user defined default constructors. usually the parameters for user defined(UD) default constructors should have default values.
directly call the UD constructor will create an object; call the UD through new keyword will create an object pointer.
create an object in pure C
operator do two things: allocate memory for a C++ class object, then call the object’s constructor to initialize this object. basically, new
packages memory management of objects and objects initialization.
while in pure C, since there is no object constructor, after malloc
memory for the structure, either call an initial function or manually initialize this structure member variables.
be aware, each element in tree_array has the whole memory of TreeNode structure; and tree_p++ will go to next TreeNode structure, tree_p[i] is also a whole memory of TreeNode structure.
create an object array in pure C
basically malloc
will return a pointer to a block of memory, but it’s not responsible to initialize this block of memory.
the rule of five
rule of three is about how to manage dynamically allocated resources in C++.
why it is necessary?
1) when parameter B is copying by value from A, if no user defined copy constructor, the compiler will do a shallow copy from A to B by default, in which a new pointer point to the same content address. at the end of function call, the parameter B is out of scope, so destructor is called, and A is still there. but at the end of the main function, A is out of scope, need deallocating, then error is B already deallocate the content of A.
with a user defined copy constructor, B will get a deep copy of A, so no sharing content, no problems when deallocating either B or A.
2) if no user specified assignment constructor, a shallow copy happens, then error-potential. and assignment constructor (operator=) can be implemented with copy constructor.