I used C++ couple years already, but never take a close look at it. when looking back to few C++ demo works at school, I had a strong feeling at that time, to make the code running is my only goal, how it work or how to improve it, is always ignored, I am afraid in the language details, as the wisdom say: the evil is in details.
after working for three years, I feel the necessary and urgent to back to the language itself(e.g. Linux, C/C++) as the first step to move forward in application development. Frameworks, engineering-based APIs are more close to final products, making them easy to be attracted, compared to how the details implemented. like the mechanical undergradute students, who first-time run ABAQUS with beatiful visulized results, feels so good.
anyway I have to delay the short satification or self-feeling-good. C is clean and the applications have clear structure, C++ is more metaphysics, I even don’t know where to start. even I thought I knew C++ well, but actualy there are many details behind, e.g. allocator in STL.
template is used for generic programming, e.g. both vector
function template
the actual meaning of TYPE is deduced by compiler depending on the arg passed to this function. “class” or “typename” is similar.
template supports default parameters, once the i-th argument is set with default value, all arguments after it must using default values.
class template
feel the power of template in STL source code.
STL containers
<< the annotated STL source using SGI STL >> by jjHou
a visitor guide to C++ allocator
the annotated STL source
I took several days to start, cause the first section on allocator already blocked me.
why allocator ?
The logic of a dynamic container doesn’t depend on the specifies of how memory is obtained; namely, the design of container classes should be decoupled from the memory allocation policy.
how allocator works ?
memory allocation and object construction is separated, allocator has four operations: allocate(), deallocate(), construct(), destroy(). there are std interface to allocators
WHEN we say A is an allocator for T , where T is a type e.g. AllocatTraits::value_type. we mean, A knows how to obtain and release memory to store objects of type T. git:allocator
iterator is used to build algorithms in containers. while I don’t really get the traits
std::vector is dynamic, continous.
std::list is cycling double-direction link list.
std::dequeue can operate elements at both ends, and the memory is multi-sectional, in each memory section is linear continous, with advantage of vector and list.
std::stack only operate on the top element (first in last out), can’t iterate the container, the default container for stack is deque.
std::queue supports only pop element from front, and push element into end, the default container is dequeue
priority queue
std::priority_queue is queue with priority.