W3C automotive open web platform

W3C automotive open web platform

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A clear web framework: 1) define the network communication APIs(based WebSocket protocol); 2) standarlize vehicle data; 3) define APIs to access vehicle data.

Vehicle Information Service Specification(VISS)

Object: to define WebSocket based APIs for a vehicle information service to enable client apps to get, set, subscribe, unsubscribe to vehicle signals, data attributes

VISS architecture

Vehicle Data

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Object: to define a standard Vehicle Data with might be available in a vehicle

1) VehicleInterface
2) VehicleCommonDataType
3) VehicleConfigurationInterface (identification, sizeConfiguration, fuelConfiguration, transmissionConfiguration, wheelConfiguration, steeringWheelConfiguration)
4) Running Status Interface(vehicleSpeed, wheelSpeed, engineSpeed, vehiclePowerMode, powertrain, acceleratorPedalPosition, throttlePosition, tripMeters, transmission, cruiseControlStatus, lightStatus, interiorLightStatus, horn, chime, fuel, engineOil, acceleration, engineeCoolant, steeringWheel, wheelTick, ignitionTime, gyro, brakeOperation, buttonEvent, drivingStatus, nightMode, startStopMode)
5) Maintenance Interfaces(odometer, transmissionOil, transmissionClutch, brakeMaintenance, washerFluid, malfuncitonIndicator, battery Status, Tire, trouble Code, diagnostic)
6) Personalization Interfaces ( languageConfiguration, unitsOfMeasures, mirror, driveMode, seatAdjustment, dashboardIllumination, vehicleSound )
7) DrivingSafety Interfaces ( antilockBrakingSystem, tractionControlSystem, electroniceStabilitySystem, topSpeedLimit, airbagStatus, door, childSafetyLock, seat)
8) Climate Interfaces (temperature, rainSensor, wiperStatus, defrost, sunroof, convertibleRoof, sideWindow, climateControl, atmosphericPressure)
9) Vision & Parking Interfaces( laneDepartureDetection, alarm, parkingBrake, parkingSensors)

Vehicle Information API Specification

Object: define a high level API for accessing vehicle signals, data attributes and communicate with in-vehicle data servers

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  • VISClient Interface
    used to define any on-board, off-board clients
  • VISClientOptions Interface
    used to define a connection to a vehicle signal server(speicifiable by protocal, host, port)
  • VISSubscription Interface
    used as return value from subscribed() methods
  • VSS Interface
    used as return value from getVSS(), which should be sufficent to fully traverse the VSS tree

Vehicle Information Access API

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Object: enable connectivity through in-vehicle infotainment systems and vehicle data access protocols

1) Navigator Interface: exposes the interface to vehicle information services
2) Vehicle Interface: the initial entry point to get access to the vehicle information
3) Zone interface: physical and logical zones
4) VehicleIneterfaceCallback
5) AvailableCallback
6) VehicleInterfaceError (permission denied, invalid operation, timeout, invalid zone, unknown, error, message)
7) VehicleInterface : the base interface to get all vehicle properties
8) VehicleCOnfigurationInterface : access to static vehicle information
9) VehicleSignalInterface: access to variables vehicle info
10) Data Availability : available, not supported, not supported security policy, supported …